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Guest Book

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Location:wichita falls, texas
Website:Not Provided
Comments:this is my new address
Visit Date:6/22/2013
Location:Wichita Falls, Texas
Website:Not Provided
Comments:I was with the 175th from feb 68 to mar 69. as crewcheif witj the 2nd plt. I read that some one with the last name Bustamante was there at the same time, I would like to if one can help
Visit Date:6/19/2013
Name:Adolf Oliver Nipples
Location:United States
Website:Not Provided
Visit Date:6/7/2013
Location:United States
Website:Not Provided
Comments:This is a photo I have From 1965. My Father Capt. Chester Stengrim flew in Pogostick. I think it was C&C. I'm looking for info from 30Sep65. Robert F. Molinelli from 114th and W. Bailey Jones provided support and got the wounded out of harm way. As per the statements in Cobra - Year of the Snake Chet was the Officer along with his counterpart in the sugar cane that provided a young Lt. and rescued the two advisors pinned down between troops and the VC. I'm looking for anyone that may have additional info. On this the Memorial Day Weekend I want to thank all of Americas fight men and women for their service. May God and St. Michael always protect us. Thank You Veterans. C Stengrim
Visit Date:5/26/2013
Name:bruce Christly
Website:Not Provided
Comments:I was with the 175 th Outlaws from March 1969 to Sepember 1970,I was the crew chief on Outlaw 18,I had different gunners every once in a while.But I remember a gunner named Timmerman,and Steven haight,from up around saracuse.I was disapointed not to see his name on the men who died from our coumpanyI would like to get e-mails from men in the Outlaws or MavericksACW7YX
Visit Date:5/23/2013
Name:D. Cemento
Website:Not Provided
Comments:Excellent site
Visit Date:5/14/2013
Website:Not Provided
Comments:Very nice site, thank-you!
Visit Date:5/11/2013
Name:Lisa Block
Location:Austin, Texas
Website:Not Provided
Comments:B/158 AVN UH-1H 67-17659 back in service-Seeking its former crew members I received information on UH-1H 67-17659 via this website: This helicopter served under unit B/158 AVN and is now serving as a STAR Flight firefighting helicopter in Travis County, Texas. The helicopter is arriving this weekend, and we would really like to let former crew members know about the new job of their old helicopter. The crew members’ names, as listed at the above Web address, are P WI Sakenes EP, CP WI Wilson DE, CE Unk Kenner RO, and G Unk Melcher JA. I’m searching the Internet to try to find these crew members. Do you have any suggestions on how to locate them? I am also visiting the Vietnam Helicopter Pilots Association webpage to find contact information. The STAR Flight Director of Aviation Willy Culberson is also a Vietnam Vet, and I am assisting him in trying to locate crew members. Any help that you can give us would be greatly appreciated. Respectfully, Lisa Block Travis County Emergency Services Public Information Officer 5501 Airport Blvd, ste. 203 Austin, Texas 78751 Tel 512-854-7954
Visit Date:4/18/2013
Name:Family of Homer W Bickel
Website:Not Provided
Comments:Noticed a 1999-200 newsletter listing of Most Wanted Outlaws & Mavericks looking for Homer W. Bickel and just wanted to share an obituary reprint showing he passed away in 2001: THANKS
Visit Date:4/18/2013
Name:Richard B Bresette
Location:Keeseville,New York
Website:Not Provided
Comments:was the commo chief got in country Jan 69 to Jan 70 returned to the 175th dec of 70 spent 6 months with the 175th then was moved to the 114th left country Dec 71, also flew gunner on most of the outlaw slicks,
Visit Date:4/11/2013
Name:Tom Overeynder
Location:Arlington, TX
Website:Not Provided
Comments:The center picture on the home page, I am the one to the right of the man the General is shaking hands with. I crewed Outlaw 27 from June 67 to August 67 then I went to group headquarters and crewed Col. McDaniels aircraft.
Visit Date:3/7/2013
Name:Richard Madigan
Location:NAS Whidbey Island, WA
Website:Not Provided
Comments:I am trying to find out what years my father Michael G Madigan was with the Outlaws in Vietnam. I know he was with the Geronimos from 68 to 69. I am attempting to get him some mahogany models of the helicopters he flew during his career (1 model for each unit he was with). I don't want to ask him for all this information because then it won't be a surprise. Thanks, Rick
Visit Date:3/5/2013
Name:joseph a reece jr.
Website:Not Provided
Comments:change of address 42334 west somerset drive maricopa,az 85138
Visit Date:2/20/2013
Name:Sherrie Kemp
Location:Emmaus, Pa
Website:Not Provided
Comments:Does anyone remember Winkelpleck(sp)? Was in country 1969-1970 with the 175th Vinh Long. My late ole man "Merf"TKemp OL25 talked about him alot! Also the names Procter,Parrish, a pilot named Nelson! Would luv to get any info. Thankyou - We are all family.
Visit Date:2/20/2013
Name:Jim Brodie
Location:Branson, MO
Website:Not Provided
Comments:Hi All..Jim Brodie here, I was privileged to be able to fly with the Outlaws & The Mavericks during my 2nd & 3rd tours during 69 & 70 as a gunner. I was probably the only one Not "assigned" & was utilized as a "floater" on whatever ship needed a "replacement" gunner with both the Outlaws(2nd platoon)and the Mavericks (32,33(once,I think) & 34). Flew with OL6,23,24,28 quite often...and IF I remember correctly, OL16 one time. Wound up sick with a very high fever in Nov.70 & had me in a hospital in Saigon and they shipped me back stateside and immediate discharge from there. Was suppose to return as an apprentice diesel mechanic with Dynalectron Corp.. but someone canceled my contract while I was in the hospital and all attempts to get back there were thwarted. Would love to hear from any and all who remember me and / or, whom I had the privilege to fly with. Have just relocated to MO. (married) from after many years up in MT. Thank you SO much for this site...just found it. God Bless you All and take good care. Jim
Visit Date:2/3/2013
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