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Guest Book

Current Entries

Name:Dango Dingo
Website:Not Provided
Comments:nice website! - Dango Dingo (
Visit Date:12/24/2023
Name:Edward Stoner
Location:Pahrump Nv
Website:Not Provided
Comments:I was a member of the 62nd Aviation Co Hanau Army Airfield, West Germany. 1973-74.
Visit Date:11/15/2023
Name:Peter Adamson
Location:Bakersfield CA
Website:Not Provided
Comments:I was present on Easter Sunday 1967. I was the gunner on a ship from Soc Trang, 121stAHC. We were flying COL Maddox, 21st Div Advisor. When we got the word COL Dempsy was down we flew up there and spent most of the day watching the battle unfold. i want to find old mates in this place.
Visit Date:11/2/2023
Name:Jeff Mixon
Location:Raleigh, North Carolina
Website:Not Provided
Comments:CWO3 Randolph Stuart Diuguid has passed away. I have a couple of pics from the service if you would like to see them.
Visit Date:8/26/2023
Name:Hugh Jass
Website:Not Provided
Visit Date:7/19/2023
Name:Frido Erde
Website:Not Provided
Comments:Good website.
Visit Date:7/14/2023
Location:beverly hills
Website:Not Provided
Visit Date:5/7/2023
Name:That Nguyen
Website:Not Provided
Comments:Hello, I am looking for Mr. Wayne Wooten. My aunt ("Linda" Nguyen) met him in Vietnam in Vinh Long and they had a child. Due to family circumstances, they weren't able to be together. If anyone know Mr. Wooten, can you please ask him to reach out to me at or on my cell at 707-709-6518
Visit Date:2/1/2023
Name:Jack Hoffman
Location:Beverly Hills, CA
Website:Not Provided
Comments:Very good informational site, I enjoy reading it. -- Jack Hoffman
Visit Date:1/12/2023
Name:Susan Miller
Website:Not Provided
Comments:A really fancy website. I like it!
Visit Date:1/11/2023
Website:Not Provided
Visit Date:12/25/2022
Name:Stephanie brough
Location:Doylestown pA
Website:Not Provided
Comments:I was wondering if anyone remembers my MIL Chaplain Alfred Brough?
Visit Date:12/15/2022
Name:Marvin Atarbanini
Website:Not Provided
Comments:I was B company 2/158th with the Hooks but attached to the 175th CAC fort hood until taken back by B company to go to Desert shield and Storm. Looking for long lost friends.. Anyone in touch with Muniz?
Visit Date:12/4/2022
Name:Jim Brodie
Location:SW. Missouri
Website:Not Provided
Comments:I joined the Army (vol.) in 1967, to go to VN to find out for myself why "we" were there, because I did Not believe the official narrative. They sent Six (6) of us from AIT (FT. Leonard Wood), to Germany, instead! I "re-upped" in Germany to go to VN & arrived there just in time for the 1968 TET "festivities", which had actually started, just four (4) days prior. It took me less than one week to find out that the aforementioned "Official, why we were there, Gov't. narrative"... was as I suspected, a complete Lie. I spent my first 13 months "based out of" Camp Eagle, near Phu Bai (W/NW of Hue), but my time was actually spent (over 11 months) up in the A Shau Valley (anyone remember "Hamburger Hill" (don't get me started on That Fiasco!!). There are only Two (2) of us left ("possibly" a third) from my first unit... the rest (Most All of them) either committed suicide after coming "home" or have long ago, passed away from "AO" - Agent Orange cancers and other related complications.. which our Gov't & Monsanto (who, developed it), told us that "AO" was "not harmful" to us!! More Lies! Anyway, I "interviewed" with the Outlaws & Mavericks in early 1969 for nearly a week... went back north, to Camp Eagle and got word a week later that I was "accepted" by the 175th (Outlaws & Mavericks), so I had my original orders to report to the Yuma (AZ) Proving Grounds (Aviation weapons systems, testing), changed to head south to Vinh Long & the 175th. I never made any lasting friendships (except for One in particular, and three others, one has since died of cancer.. all of whom, I happened to meet up with, one day in Branson, MO. back in 2016(?)).. with any of the crews on the various 1st & 2nd platoon "slicks", nor the various 3rd platoon Maverick "Charlie" models (gunships), because I was Never assigned to any particular "ship" the whole time I flew with them, until Nov. 1970. I was the 175ths Only "floater" and was a gunner on whatever ship they needed me on, whether for just a single Sortie, or for a week or two, filling in for any assigned gunner that may have either been sick, or on R&R, etc, etc. I flew on every 2nd platoon ship (and was assigned to their "hooch" as my "place of residency"), several 1st platoon ships, and various Maverick gunships at one time or another, also was assigned to the C&C ship, and flew out to Sadec early every morning for nearly two (2) months, to pick up a Vietnamese "counter part" to our (US) Col.(?) to oversee Daytime LZ and engagement OP's. I also flew on the "Flare Ship" as well, during nighttime engagement operations. WHERE - OH WHERE, have 52+ years "Gone" to, since those days?!!? I guess, the same place as my hair and my waistline... though, the latter is still not too far off from those days... So Long ago. IF... any of you Outlaws or Mavericks happen to be reading this rant, and remember me at all.... don't be too bashful to "reach out" to me. My Email, is above here, in the info. Blessings to you & yours... and stay Safe & "Well". PS: I was suppose to go back to Vinh Long after I got back "Stateside", to go to work for Dynelectron Corp. (in Vinh Long) as a diesel mechanic, and get married to my sweetie over there, who worked part time at the 175ths "Officers Club", but was also a school teacher. I "somehow" (they never did figure out what the cause was) contracted a very high fever (they told me it ran from 104.3 to 106 for nearly 2 weeks, after she and her parents & I went out for dinner, down in Can Tho one evening)... anyway, I didn't find out until after returning stateside, that "someone" forged my name on a Contract Cancellation... while I was "out of it" with the fever, in the hospital in Tan Son Nhut (Airbase, near Saigon)... and although Dynelectron Corp. offered to "re-instate" my contract... VN was "closed to me" and they gave me a choice of four other countries, none of which were even close to VN, or SE Asia in general, even though they had an opening in Thailand (Siam). I received a "wire" in April 1972 from the VN Embassador in DC, telling me that my fiance's remains had been found and identified in Cao Lanh (where she was currently teaching.. west of Vinh Long and Sadec, on the Mekong River), after a 2am rocket attack by the NVA & "chuck". Have never been back there, since then.
Visit Date:11/20/2022
Website:Not Provided
Comments:thank you
Visit Date:11/8/2022
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