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Director's Corner added to home page & Reunion page

32 photos posted Gallery, Nashville 2024

The electronic copy of the summer/fall 2024 newsletter has been posted

Directors Corner

by: Jim Donnelly



Hello to all. I am a person of few words but here it goes.   I hope you all survived the hurricanes unharmed and with no property damage.  For those of you who attended the Nashville Roundup we got out just in front of the flooding.  Wow! Thanks to everyone who made the 2024 reunion a success.  Thanks to Bob Allen and his wife Shari for all they did. A special thank you to George for his outstanding job herding the 50/50. To Eric and Bonnie and Ivan and Sheila for a successful Silent Auction.  I know I have left out several individuals. Please forgive me there were so many of you who went above and beyond to make the reunion a great and successful meeting.

I am very excited to once again have the opportunity to serve as your National Director and guide us through what I know will be a successful roundup in 2026. 

In Nashville the decision was made to have our 2026 roundup in Washington, DC.  There were two other suggestions for the roundup location, San Diego and Las Vegas.  If you would actually attend a roundup in one of those cities or in the DC area in 2026, please send me an email with your choice so we can get a commitment for the 2026 location.

I have already done extensive research into the DC area and have two excursions so far that I think would be great and are free.  The National Museum of the Army and the Air and Space Museum Annex.  In addition I have five hotel proposals and will be soliciting several more to get us the best location at an affordable price if the voting chooses the DC area as I hope it will.

I am here for you, so if you have any concerns, suggestions or need anything VLOA related please send me an email at fbi_jim@hotmail.com.   Stay safe and well and I look forward to hearing from you.