Outlaw Branson Roundup 2016
Well, you missed it if you did not attending the Vinh Long Outlaws Association biennial Roundup in Branson, MO. Over 150 attendees began the Roundup Thursday afternoon Sep 15 with a grand welcome in the Radisson Hotel foyer and Outlaws Hospitality Room. Afterwards, everyone gathered in the banquet room for a huge buffet dinner and welcome address by Larry Jackson, VLOA National Director and Frank Estes, Director of Communications – Website. Members from year-groups 1964 through 1971 were in attendance. Friday Sep. 16 was filled with two shows; “#1 Hits of the 60’s Show” and the “Clay Cooper Show” followed by another gathering the Outlaws Hospitality Suite for more camaraderie with fellow Outlaws Vietnam Veterans and their spouses/guests. Saturday Sep. 17 was filled with free time, group photos, and a riverboat cruise, dinner and show on the Branson Belle Showboat. Afterwards the hospitality room was filled with attendees sharing their memories with others, laughing and joking with each other, and bidding on Silent Auction items provided by VLOA members. Sunday Sep 18 was free time. That evening we had our missing Comrades ceremony and farewell banquet. Some made it afterwards to the hospitality suite for a last evening of camaraderie and farewells.